Upward Basketball and Cheer Update

March 11, 2025


The Upward Basketball and Cheer season will return in November, 2025!Ê
Online registration will begin August, 2025.Ê
Check back at this site as we get closer.Ê

We are so pleased to have you check out Upward Sports at Mountainside United Methodist Church.   WeÕve just completed the 12th season of this outreach program of our church. We want to give your young participants a Christian experience filled with learning new skills, exercise, competition, fellowship, and more.   This is a highly regarded sports program in the mountain communities east of Albuquerque.Ê We offer a safe and encouraging atmosphere, and games where everyone participates equally.   To join in, please select ÔRegistrationÕ after August 1, 2025.   We will strive to make this a wonderful experience for you and your child.

We had over 175 participants lastÊ season. ÊThis included 12 cheerleaders, 24 teams, 21 coaches, over 20 referees and a dedicated management team. Ê

We hope that parents volunteer to become part of this program.   With many volunteers we can offer the rewarding experience that your kids need.   Click on Volunteers Needed above to learn more.

Contact us by e-MAIL at John Beach  or by phone at 505-250-8046 for any questions you might have.


Upward Photos 

Ê See your player


All games, practices and the celebration are at:


Mountainside United Methodist Church

4 Penny Lane

Cedar Crest, NM  87008


Upward 2024-25 Calendar

The updated calendar will come in the future.

Watch this website for more details of next season.


If you have a payment to make, please contact the League Director, John Beach.



Our league is successful because of you, a volunteer.

For next season, if you would consider being a Basketball Coach or referee, let John Beach know anytime at 505-250-8046 (voice/text). 

You may also want to be part of the management team in some capacity.  The commitment spans from 1 month to 6 months depending on how you want to help.  The actual time needed is dependent on your available time, the organization and the help of other volunteers.  Volunteering for Upward is a great way to grow your confidence and abilities while expanding your horizons.  Contact the League Director 

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email, text, or call John Beach to share.  Thank you very much for your participation in the past.  We look forward to the blessing of your participation in the future. For more Upward at Mountainside information, select this link: 


League Director

John Beach

League Director

Upwards Basketball at 
Mountainside United Methodist Church

505-250-8046 (text/voice) 





Click any of the items below to find out more:

Note: Please ÒLikeÓ us on Facebook.       


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Updated: TJS - 3/12/2025