Mountainside United Methodist Church

4 Penny Lane

Cedar Crest, New Mexico

Every child plays.
Every child learns.
Every child is a winner.

Leading Children to Christ through Sports

Upward basketball and cheerleading is a fun and exciting Christian sports league for boys and girls in K-8th grade.   Upward promotes character and self-esteem in every child by providing equal playing time for every player, one-hour practices, weekly games, and positive coaching and role modeling.

Quick Facts:

Why Upward Sports?
Currently, more than ½-million children (K5- sixth grade) participate in Upward Sports leagues.   For over 16 years, Upward Sports has been conducting exciting children sport leagues and camps in the U.S. and around the world.

According to experts, children stop playing kids sports because they lose interest and are not having fun.   Upward sports programs change this by making fun a priority while teaching fundamentals and skills.   Kids also learn teamwork, self-esteem, dedication, and other Christian values through our fun programs.

Parents like our family-friendly practice and game schedules that support your family needs and schedules.   We know your schedules are busy, so Upward has just a one-hour practice and a one-hour game each week!

Mountainside United Methodist Church

Upward Sports is a ministry of Mountainside. We are dedicated to giving each child and every family a Christian experience.   It is such a delight to watch these young boys and girls grow in so many ways: in strength, experience, personal interaction with others, character, integrity, poise, balance, and more.   As you visit Mountainside, look around, be engaged, have some refreshments in the Mountainside Cafe, visit with any of our members, and have fun.

If you have any desire to know more about Mountainside, take some time to peruse our website and just begin participating in our many programs.   If you would like to speak to our pastor, Blaine Wimberly, about joining our family-centered congregation or for any other reason, please call her at 505-281-5117 or contact her via e-MAIL.   We look forward to seeing you Sunday mornings.



If you want to register your child, simply go to the Registration web page and follow the directions.   Once you have shown up for an Evaluation Session (Required!) and pay your fees (well, that's Required too), you are done.


Prayer Cards and Devotions

If you want to contribute to praying and the quality of devotionals, simply go to the weekly Devotional Link.   Feel free to download and print this file.

Updated: DET: 10/21/2022